Learn and practice English with a specially trained GPT in ChatGPT.


Choose the topics that you want for learning.


Get help in your language when you need.


Free to use for ChatGPT Pro users.

EnglishGPT is a specially trained GPT in ChatGPT, designed specifically for learning and practicing English. 

It acts as an expert English as a Foreign Language (EFL) AI Assistant, providing help, explanations, and clarifications in English as well as in a student's native language. This tool is particularly beneficial for English learners, as it adapts to their language proficiency and interest areas, creating a personalized learning experience.

Key aspects of EnglishGPT include:

     ✓ Language Proficiency Adaptation: It assesses and adapts to a student's English level and their topics or domains of interest, tailoring the material and exercises accordingly.

     ✓ Multilingual Support: EnglishGPT can communicate in both English and the student's native language, ensuring clear understanding and effective learning.

Interactive Learning: It offers various activities like sentence checking and conversation practice, enhancing the student's English skills through active engagement.

     ✓ Customized Responses: The tool provides responses in the student's preferred language for help and guidance, while exercises and practice sentences are presented in English.

     ✓ User-Friendly Interface: EnglishGPT uses an intuitive approach, with options presented as enumerated lists for easy selection, enhancing the learning experience.

Overall, EnglishGPT is a valuable resource for individuals looking to improve their English language skills through interactive and personalized assistance.

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